The wonderland series has been written for greek and cypriot prejunior and junior classes. Longman wonderland pre junior a b download for free all levels. Im delighted to hear that the showtime series is still in. Isabella hearn, anne worrall, sandy zervas, judy copage. Longman wonderland prejunior longman wonderland junior a longman wonderland junior b. Wonderland junior b pupils book, activity book, class cds, songs cd, cdrom, teachers. Wonderland has been written for greek and cypriot prejunior and junior classes. Cristiana bruni wonderland pre junior activity book 2010. Wonderland junior b pupils book contains fourteen units which present new material, seven revision units, end of year play and picture dictionary. The course uses a structured syllabus focussing on skills development, with abundant practice and recycling. Wonderland wonderland pre junior, wonderland junior a. Wonderland pre junior teacher guide free download as pdf file. Wonderland junior b pupils book, activity book, class cds, songs cd, cdrom, teachers guide, flashcards.
Wonderland makes learning english a magical, memorable experience, by using the familiar fantastic world of disney characters that children know and love. Activity book, wonderland makes learning english a magical, memorable experience, by using the familiar fantastic world of d. Burlington books is one of europe s most respected publishers of english language teaching materials, with over two million students learning from its books and multimedia programs, which include speech training, career training, elt materials and software. Pocetna pls university primary wonderland wonderland prejunior teachers book. Frenglish adds a friend on facebook follow us in twitter. Wonderland by longman download for free wonderland pre. Burlington books is one of europes most respected publishers of english language teaching materials, with over two million students learning from its books and multimedia programs, which include speech training, career training, elt materials and software. Wonderland prejunior pupils book with free audio cd 9780582828391 activity book 9780582828414 teachers book full colour 9780582828421 class audio cds 9780582828445 active teach free 9781408206454 wonderland junior a pupils book with free newaudio cd 9780582828544 activity book 9780582828490 study companion 9780582828568. At this level a balance of disney characters and real life situations keeps pupils interested and motivated. Wonderland prejunior pupils book and songs cd pack bruni cristiana,bruni cristiana isbn. Amazing stories, songs, chants, listening and reading materials inspire pupils to talk and write about their own lives, opinions and experiences. Islands handwriting 1 pupils book plus pin code islands 3 teachers. The book pathways to literature is amazingly wellwritten and provides teachers as well as students with really outstanding material concerning both english language and literature. Family and friends starter teachers resource pack family.
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